Lyndsay Charlton 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Lyndsay Charlton

Lyndsay Charlton is a waterway engineer with 4 years of experience at Alluvium Consulting. She is most passionate about reducing the impacts of communities on the environment, particularly on the health of natural waterways. She has worked on a range of range of waterway and catchment projects including the design of water sensitive urban design assets (WSUD), creek restoration, and streambank stabilisation projects to improve waterway health and sediment reduction outcomes. In 2023, Lyndsay completed a 5-month secondment at NQ Dry Tropics in Townsville, where she worked on several large-scale gully remediation projects in the Whitsunday Region under the Great Barrier Reef Foundation’s Landholders Driving Change (LDC) Program.

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