Helen Braithwaite 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Helen Braithwaite

Helen Braithwaite is a qualified hydrologist with eighteen years technical experience working in the public and private sector, both in the UK and Australia. Her expertise is in water resources management with a low flow and environmental water requirement focus. Experience includes strategic low flow analysis and modelling, and the provision of hydrological assessment and advice relating to the management of South Australia’s water resources, with the application of key legislation and policies to support this. Helen has been working in the urban water team for Green Adelaide as a water projects officer for the last 2 ½ years. Specific roles include the management a large contract for the operation and maintenance of Green Adelaide’s water management assets, provision of technical advice relating to urban watercourse and stormwater management, and contract management of the plant establishment and maintenance phase of the Breakout Creek Stage 3 project.

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