Long Oral Presentation 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Natural Capital Suite: Streamlining investment in Natural Resource Management (#99)

David Waters 1 , Nick Marsh 1 , Robin Ellis 1 , Lindsay Bradford 1 , Thomas Maalem 1 , Tory Grice 1
  1. Truii pty ltd, West End, QUEENSLAND, Australia

In response to the global push for Environmental, Social, and Governance accountability in line with Sustainability Development Goals, companies face challenges in operationalising and quantifying environmental accounts. Further, it is difficult for environmental investors to find projects that consistently report against these standards. This lack of consistent quantification of environmental outcomes results in either a reluctance to engage in environmental project investment or redirecting most potential investment into the burden of significant transaction costs to establish and report on projects.

To address this, Truii developed the Natural Capital Suite to efficiently quantify environmental accounts. Utilising a science-based approach, facilitates consistent and repeatable reporting, substantially reducing transaction costs. The Natural Capital Suite uniquely incorporates environmental, social, cultural, and economic indicators aligning with international reporting standards. The Natural Capital Suite allows large scale environmental investors to conduct portfolio planning, organisations to conduct natural capital accounting and project brokers to design and report on farm scale projects and engaging in environmental crediting schemes for farm scale projects.

Through developing the Natural Capital Suite, we have learned that the current methods of planning commissioning and delivering environmental investment have such high transaction costs that less than half of intended environmental investment gets spent on ground.

The suite's significance lies in facilitating investment in natural resources while minimising transaction costs, addressing a growing global market demand for investment in nature. By digitally connecting supply and demand, the suite streamlines the investment processes, underscoring the importance of scalable solutions in driving sustainable development efforts.

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