Long Oral Presentation 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Communicating for Change: Developing New Media Communication Products for Riparian and Native Fish Outcomes (#70)

Chris CW Walsh 1 , Lucy LS Stuart 1 , Pat PG Gudhka 1 , Andy AL Lowes 1 , Masha MA Artamonova 1 , Siwan SL Lovett 1
  1. ARRC, Canberra, ACT, Australia

For waterway managers, researchers and practitioners, effectively communicating complex scientific information for diverse audiences remains a significant challenge, one that can hinder the translation of research into on-ground action. This presentation will share some examples of innovative approaches used to breach this gap, with new media formats such as podcasts, videos, interactive maps and webpages leveraged to concisely deliver data and information to different audiences without downplaying its complexity or significance. Our investigation underscored the pivotal role of effective communication in driving tangible outcomes for riparian management and native fish recovery. By targeting messaging strategies and leveraging new communication platforms, we were able to enhance stakeholder engagement and foster a shared understanding of complex environmental challenges. We can see how this work is leading to more informed decision-making, community engagement and collaborative action. The implications of this work extend beyond the immediate context of river management and native fish recovery, underscoring the critical role of communication in environmental conservation efforts, and offering a blueprint for how similar strategies can be applied to engage the public in other areas of environmental science and policy. By enhancing the way we communicate complex environmental issues, we can improve awareness and understanding, inspiring action and driving positive change for the holistic health our waterways.

Author and contributor information:

Chris Walsh is a cinematographer, photographer, writer and music teacher, and the Podcast and Content Producer at the Australian River Restoration Centre. He works with the team to create bold, beautiful digital stories with heart, ones that tell impactful stories about important topics that help each other to help the planet.

Lucy Stuart is keen environmentalist who is passionate about inspiring action within all stakeholder groups. She enthusiastically takes on the role of Project Coordinator at the Australian River Restoration Centre to deliver engaging science communications across a range of projects, with a particular sentiment of the plight of native fish.

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