Workshop Presentation 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Walking the talk: accelerating sustainable, participative stream rehabilitation and management (109383)

Kathy Russell 1 , Danielle Francis 2 , Kirstie Fryirs 3 , Birgit Jordan 4 , Geoff Vietz 4
  1. University of Melbourne, Burnley, VIC, Australia
  2. Water Services Association Of Australia, Sydney
  3. Macquarie University, Sydney
  4. Streamology, Bright

This workshop aims to develop action pathways for our industry to meet our Australian Stream Management aspirations.

At 10ASM (2021) we held a workshop where we looked back on progress over the last 25 years, and outlined where we need to go next as an industry. A group of 10ASM delegates then wrote an article outlining five main action categories that we will use to structure this workshop (see open-access article at This interactive workshop will develop action pathways for our industry to meet these aspirations.   

Our aim is to bring together the community of ASM attendees across their diverse roles, career stages to share and interweave their perspectives. We therefore encourage attendance and participation by all ASM attendees. 

This workshop will comprise two sessions. The first 1 hour preparation session will prepare participants for the second 1 hour 20 minute deep dive part of the workshop.