Long Oral Presentation 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Healthy Waterways Strategy mid-term review - Learning by Doing (#5)

Sharyn Rossrakesh 1 , Trish Grant 1 , Ryan M. Burrows 1 2 , Karen White 3 , Rhys A. Coleman 1 2 , Michelle Dickson 4 , Ian RUTHERFURD 5 , Tamara Boyd 6 , Leon Metzeling 7 , William Steele 1 , Yung En Chee 2 , Sacha Jellinek 1 2 , Dan Green 1
  1. Melbourne Water, Docklands, VICTORIA, Australia
  2. The University of Melbourne, Burnley, Victoria, Australia
  3. White Water Consultancy, Sandringham, Victoria, Australia
  4. Blue Sense Consulting, Korumburra, Victoria, Australia
  5. University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
  6. Intrinsic Scope Consulting P/L, Alfredton, Victoria, Australia
  7. .
  • The Healthy Waterways Strategy, the 10-year co-designed waterway strategy for the Melbourne region, focusses on protecting and improving key values from two significant threats – climate change and urbanisation. A mid-term review was undertaken as part of a broader Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement plan. The process was complex and challenging and drew on data and information collected through Melbourne Water’s monitoring programs, research partnerships and practitioner knowledge.
  • We analysed available data to answer questions regarding trends of values and conditions, changes to threats and effectiveness of interventions (Science Inquiry). Additionally, we evaluated the likelihood of 10-year targets being met, documented the factors influencing strategy implementation and reviewed the effectiveness of co-delivery (Implementation Inquiry). The evaluation drew on multiple lines of evidence and the use of evaluative reasoning to ensure judgements were made using credible evidence with limitations clearly identified. A small, external panel of waterway experts guided the process and provided critique, feedback and evaluation guidance and helped communicate the findings to managers and partners.
  • A concise set of recommendation have been developed that aim to re-invigorate implementation and co-delivery and concentrate effort to bring targets back on track where it matters most. A response to the review will be developed with input from the community and strategy co-delivery partners and Melbourne Water will work with the Region-wide Leadership Group to clarify and strengthen co-delivery for the remainder of the strategy.
  • The mid-term review has highlighted the value of good long term-datasets and annual reporting. The collaborative critique from the Panel was essential to the success of the review and the refinement of both process and messaging. Reviewing the strategy mid-way through has resulted in analyses that form a good foundation for the final-strategy-review and will inform development of the next strategy.
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