Short Oral Presentation 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Communicate environmental science and management with user-centred interactive design to empower data-driven decision-making (#38)

Tory Grice 1 , Nick Marsh 1 , Adam Northey 2 , Andrew Schwarz 3
  1. Truii, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  2. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia
  3. Melbourne Water, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
  • We are drowning in data. Much of the data we collect never sees the light of day or is delivered in forms that are hard to access and interpret for decision-makers. The data we use to inform decision-making and reporting is often held close by scientists and data curators, and only delivered to decision-makers in highly curated formats. These formats fail to engage decision-makers because they don’t allow for data to be explored in the context of the information required to make their decisions. 

  •  We take data that is ordinarily hidden in detailed reports, or languishing in files on data portals, and make it accessible to a wider audience by creating interactive data visualisations and dashboards that communicate environmental science and management outputs and outcomes. Taking a user-centred design approach, that engages decision-makers throughout the design process allows us to fully understand what information is most important to various audiences and design accordingly.

  •  We have found that by liberating obfuscated data and delivering it through interactive web applications designed and developed with the user at front of mind, decision-makers are empowered to explore data and engage in effective adaptative management. 

  • Too much great work in environmental management goes unseen by decision-makers, thus limiting their capacity to continue to be advocates for the science and management actions that drive our sector. Communicating data through user-centred interactive design makes it more accessible and empowers environmental managers to make more informed decisions. 

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