Short Oral Presentation 11th Australian Stream Management Conference 2024

Innovation in Infrastructure - The construction challenges of delivering low flows (#23)

Damian Rowley 1 , Tim Vale 1
  1. Department for Environment and Water, Adelaide, SA, Australia


  • The low flow policy detailed in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges and Marne Saunders Water allocation plans were implemented to meet environmental water requirements of the surface water resource. The practical implementation of this policy has necessitated bespoke innovation to develop on-ground solutions in a diverse range of environmental conditions.
  • The Flows for the Future Program (the program) has constructed many devices on dams with a range of characteristics in unique catchment conditions. The program has continually improved its device designs, whilst being able to tailor the design to unique dam characteristics.
  • Due to the unprecedented nature of the program, extensive research, consultation and some trial and error development has occurred, with key learnings fed into the continual improvement and an adaptive approach within the program. The research and development journey in establishing suitable engineering designs to pass low flows and develop understanding of feasibility and effectiveness of installations in different contexts have also progressed in collaboration with industry partners and contractors in a community of practice approach.
  • The implementation of low flow infrastructure has resulted in significant understanding of what low flow delivery options can be practically implemented and, importantly, what options have also proved to not be effective; formulating important learning for other states and agencies to consider should they wish to pursue similar low flow by-pass or environmental low flow deliveries in their contexts.
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